Tuesday 24 April, 2007

1st Samuel 17:45, 46, 47

45: Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46: This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down, and cut off your head; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, 47: and that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD'S and he will give you into our hand."

Yesterday, I was reading this passage, about David & Goliath. David's faith & confidence in His God astounded me. Though I know this story / incident since my childhood, yesterday, the Lord showed me how much David trusted Him. It was amazing. I mean, David hadn't seen God with his physical eyes, but He loved his God & trsuted Him completely. when goliath defied David's God, David couldnt bear it. The above verses, shows, how confident he was that his God will save him. I think, I must also trust Him with ALL my heart. Nothing can deny that truth that God is alive today and HE is all powerful. If we have such confidence and faith in Him, He will surely deliver us from all problems, even though they look so big, like Goliath.

The Bible says "4: And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.". This is about 3 metres. MAN, thats tall!! 300 cm...!!!!!!!! Can barely imagine a person so tall... And David was just a "youth. Even Saul says so in verse 33. I dont know the exact height and weight of David at that time. But I am pretty sure that he wasnt 3 metres tall. Definitely shorter than that. And he was just a shepherd boy, the youngest of the family. But Goliath... he was a trained warrior with so many weapons and shield and stuff... All David took were 5 pebbles and a sling..but , he went with the Lord of Hosts. How many times, do we face such Goliaths in our lives?? So many times, we feel small, when compared to our problems, which appear to be giants. But when we really know & understand WHO is with us, at all times, then we are able to trust Him. When we trust Him & put all of our confidence and hope in Him, He is sure to deliver. All we need is FAITH in the Lord who has promised to be with us always (mathew 28:20 - and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." ). HE is with is always. How many times do we really understand that & praise God? If we truly understand that He is always, I mean, ALWAYS, with us, we will never doubt if we will be able to overcome a difficult situation. Is not the Lord who is with us, greater than everything and everyone?? If then, we have such an Awesome God, and if we have 100% confidence in Him, like David, then nothing can prevent us from being victorious. We need to trust in the God who is with us always. Trust Him that He is more powerful. It doesnt matter, if we dont have enuf instruments to overcome some prob, it is enuf if we are confident of the Lord our GOD. Confidence in my Almighty God, that is what I want to have in my life. PtL !!

Saturday 21 April, 2007

Luke 16:15

15: ... but God knows your hearts...

Now, this is a nice verse. It says God, the Great Almighty, knows our hearts. I Think, that "hearts", means, whatever we feel, and think and our emotions, as well as our thoughts. Now, the Word of God is right. We find this in Psalm 33:4 ...

4: For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. (KJV)

(Our pastor mentioned this verse, during this week's prayer & I loved it!! PtL!!) So, if the Word is right, then that means, the Lord exactly knows what we have in hearts. I think, that we can never really hide anything from Him. He knows everything. We can never run away from Him. This is similar to psalm 139. The Lord knows everything, so when we have sinned, there is no point in hiding it from Him. If we surrender ourselves to Him & ask Him to forgive us, He is alwayz willing to do so & more too. We dont have to be afraid of punishment, as Jesus Christ bore all our punishments on the Cross. So if we have faith in the salvation that we have through the blood of the Lamb, then, we needn't be afraid of God's wrath, as God poured out His wrath on Jesus. We just need that faith. when we have faith in God's grace, then we can openly confess our sins to God and be forgiven. If we try to hide it from Him, we are only acting silly. when, we have a way out, why are we trying to hide things and make things complicated?? Our God knows our hearts...

There is also another meaning to this verse, that I understood. Our hearts, means, our feelings. Our joy, our sorrow & every kind of feeling that we may feel, is known to GOD. If it is joy, we can rejoice in Him, as He understands why we are joyful. Sometimes, I used to feel really happy, but I wouldnt know the exact reason... Sometimes, ppl may tease us that we are being happy, without even knowing WHY. Sometimes, some-thing might bring us extreme joy, but others may not feel the same joy that we feel & thereby, they mayn't be able to rejoice with us. It happens to me so many times. But now, I know that God knows my heart. He knows WHY I am happy and that brings comfort. But most often, it is our sorrow that ppl fail to understand. We might be feeling BLUE, but our ppl around might not be in a position to sympathize with us. At such times, we can remember this verse, which says "God knows our hearts". God can feel the sadness.. I think, that if we take our problems to Him, thru prayer, then He can really comfort us. He can turn our mourning into dancing and our sorrow & grief into joy. PtL!!

God knows our hearts. Thats amazing, I must say!! What a great God He is, He has got to control the universe, take care of millions and billions of human beings, and zillions of birds, animals, etc .. etc... He has so many important jobs, every minute and every moment. But He knows my heart. He knows me personally & HE is constantly watching over me. What a comfort that is!!!! There is really SOMEONE out there, who KNOWS me!! Great! simply great! God knows what are the sins that are buried in my heart, & there is no other way but to confess and get things right thru faith in His grace; God knows exactly how I feel & what I think. God really has time for me. Praise His Holy Name!!

PS: And readers, if anything is against the Word, plz let me know.

Friday 20 April, 2007

christian glitter graphics myspace code christian images
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

Luke 15:20

20: And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.

I read this passage today, and this verse spoke to me. It talks abt the prodigal son. The prodigal son was disobedient & I am also like him. I too disobey and sin... but when he came to his senses, he decided to apologize to his dad & become good again. He just made up his mind and walked towards home, but this verse says that his father saw him at a distance & he ran to receive his son. Now that is something really wonderful. Many times, we sin & when the Holy Spirit of God leads us back to our Eternal Father, when He makes us understand tat there is no hope but Jesus, it is He who has compassion on us. No matter how great our sins may be... the moment we make up our mind to repent, the Lord receives us with open arms.. What a Compassionate Father! When we sin & fall, satan brings in guilty conscience, but we must never accept it. I mean, we must rebuke such guilty feelings, and immediately throw ourselves on our knees before God and ask Him for forgiveness, which He is ready to offer us. PTL !! God never pushes us aside when we truly repent with all of our hearts. Now that is something I have experienced in my life. Sometimes, I wud feel, 'well, thats the end of u, u have sinned just too much. Now, there is no way Jesus is gonna forgive u'. But then, God wud show me how merciful and compassionate He is. And how He is willing to forgive and accept me, if I truly return to Him with all my heart. God is a good God.

I really love this song, especially, the last stanza that I have highlighted..

GOD is good, we sing and shout it
GOD is good, we celebrate
GOD is good, no more we doubt it
GOD is good, we know it's true.

And when I think of His love for me,
My heart fills with praise
And I feel like dancing
For is His heart there is room for me
And I run with arms open wide.

What a loving Father we have! All glory to His name!!

Thursday 19 April, 2007

Psalm 103:11

11: For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

I was on the terrace on the 18th of April & I was reading the Word of God. I came across these verses, by God's grace. And I looked up, to see the sky. The sky was so blue and so vast & so high up. It seemed to stretch on for miles and miles. I really couldnt see the end of it. The sky was so high up, that it seemed impossible to touch it. My appartments is quite a tall one. And yet, the sky seemed to be higher... so high that I just couldnt imagine. Then I looked into my Bible again (verse 11). I realized that if I feared God, then God's love for me was so high.!! PTL!! I remember, that once, my ct was explaining what was the fear of the Lord. she told me that it was recoginizing the worth & majesty of our Lord & fearing Him. I think that "to fear the Lord", means, we understand how great and awesome is our Creator and keep praising Him... we recognize the Soverreigninty of the Lord our God, His supreme power and glory. I saw the trees around me, I looked at myself, I looked at the sky above, the birds flying around and above me, the hot sun, and the pond (opp)... I saw what a Great Creator He is. Now, again, I compared the height of the Heavens and God's love pour moi. How great! I still cant figure out, why God's love for me is so great and huge. But I am happy, that God loves me so much, that I can never realy imagine its magnitude.... And I praise Him for His unfailing Love for His child. I was really thrilled when I saw that there is really a Person, a truly Great Person, who loved me so much, that its height cannot be measured...it is higher that Mt. Everest too, higher than the troposhpere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere and everything else that is higher than that, even higher than the distance between the surface of the earth and the Exosphere. If I have such a Good Shepherd and Heavenly Father, then, I dont have any reason to feel blue... No way.. I must always rejoice that I have a Heavenly Father who is loving me, and His love for me is everlasting. Praise His Holy Name..!!!!!!!!

So, readers of my blog, dont u think that this same Jesus loves u too, very much? If any of my opinions or thoughts which I have entered here, is wrong or against the Word, then, plz let me know.

bye for now.

Daily Bible Verse